This page presents teaching material for Course 2-36-1 "Proof of Program" of the MPRI 2021-2022.
- Location: bâtiment Sophie Germain, room 1004.
- Time: Tuesday, 16:15 to 19:15.
- First course: December 7th.
- Project description: January 14th
- Project due: February 24th
- Exam: March 8th, 16h15-19h15, room 1004
Example programs for some lectures will be using the verification environment Why3. There is an on-line version of Why3 that can be used to replay the simplest examples. However, for more complex examples and for the project that require several provers, it is necessary to install Why3 and the automated provers.
You may find detailed instructions in this installation procedure.
The text of the exam, and a version including the solutions.
The project was provided on January 14th.
The project consists of the verification of algorithms using dynamic programming. A skeleton file is provided in a zip archive
To install Why3 and the automated provers, follow the installation procedure.
Slides and examples will be posted here.
Part 1: Program verification using Hoare Logic, lectured by Claude Marché.
- Lecture 1 (December 7th): Basics of deductive program
- Covers: background on automated deduction, classical Hoare logic, partial correctness, weakest liberal preconditions, simple examples with Why3 and SMT solvers.
- Slides: original or 4 per page
- Examples of purely logic goals: propositional logic, first-order logic, equality, integer arithmetic
- Simple basic contracts
- Square root in Why3: ISQRT and its full solution
- Canvas for exercises: Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3
- Lecture 2 (December 4th): More advanced topics in program verification
- Covers: a ML-style language, blocking semantics, treatment of local variables, labels, function calls and modularity aspects, specification languages, axiomatic specifications, product types, programs on arrays.
- Slides: original or 4 per page
- Solutions to exercices of lecture 1: Naive Sum , Euclidean division
- Illustrative examples using Why3: Euclide's algorithm for GCD with labels, Euclidean division with local variable (can be executed on tests, see inside the file), Incrementation of a section of an array
- Home work:
- Search in an array : the linear version and then the binary version
- Lecture 3 (January 4th): Termination, Ghost code, More data structures, Exceptions, Computer Arithmetic
- Covers: termination, ghost code, lemma functions, sum types, lists ; handling exceptions ; computer arithmetic : machine integers, floating-point numbers.
- Slides: original or 4 per page
- Solutions to home work from lecture 2: Linear search,
- Examples in Why3 or C from the slides: Euclid's remainder with ghost code, Factorial function, A Lemma function List reversal: Canvas and Solution, Exact square root, with an exception, Linear search with an exception: canvas and solution, Examples of overflow and rounding errors
- Home Work:
- Search in an array : the binary version and Linear version with a for loop
- Termination of McCarthy's 91 function
- Bézout coefficients using ghost code
- Lemmas on power function, using lemma functions
- Prove Fermat's little theorem for p=3
- Binary search with an exception
- Lecture 4 (January 11th): Aliasing issues
- Covers: call by reference, alias control by static typing ; component-as-array modeling for pointer programs.
- Slides: original or 4 per page
- Solutions to exercices of lecture 3:
- Examples in Why3: Stack part 1, Stack part 2, In place linked-list reversal canvas and complete solution
- Optional home work In-place linked-list concatenation
Part 2: Separation Logic and representation predicates, lectured by Jean-Marie Madiot. Ask Jean-Marie by email or during the class if you'd like printable versions. Please note that the slides are subject to occasional change.
- Lecture 5 (January 18th): Separation Logic 1
- Covers: basic heap predicates, mutable lists, list segments, trees, sharing, specification triples.
- slides, exercise sheet
- Lecture 6 (January 25th): Separation Logic 2
- Covers: frame rule, heap entailment, structural rules, reasoning rules for terms, reasoning about functions.
- slides, exercise sheet
- Lecture 7 (February 1st): Separation Logic 3
- Covers: reasoning about loops, about aliasing, about local state, specification of higher-order functions, in particular iterators, characteristic formulas.
- slides, exercise sheet
- Lecture 8 (February 8th): Separation Logic 4
- Covers: higher-order representation predicates, resource analysis, complexity analysis, fractional and read-only permissions, parallelism, lock invariants, ghost variables and state.
- slides, exercise sheet
Past Years
You may have a look at the exam of 2014. Once you have solved all exercises (and not before!), you may check some of the solutions.
You may have a look at the exam of 2015. Once you have solved all exercises (and not before!), you may check some of the solutions.
You may have a look at the exam of 2016. Once you have solved all exercises (and not before!), you may check some of the solutions.
You may have a look at the exam of 2017. Once you have solved all exercises (and not before!), you may check some of the solutions.
You may have a look at the exam of 2019-2020. Once you have solved all exercises (and not before!), you may check some of the solutions.
You may have a look at the exam of 2020-2021. Once you have solved all exercises (and not before!), you may check some of the solutions.
- Course given in 2020-2021 (similar content)
- Course given in 2019-2020 (similar content)
- Course given in 2018-2019 (similar content)
- Course given in 2017-2018 (similar content)
- Course given in 2016-2017 (similar content)
- Course given in 2015-2016 (similar content)
- Course given in 2014-2015 (similar content)
- Course given in 2013-2014 (similar content)
- Course given in 2012-2013 (different content)
- Course given in 2011-2012 (different content)